Signs and symptoms of Gynecomastia

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MS (Gen Surgery), M.Ch (Plastic Surgery) (NIMS) Consultant Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery Department Of Plastic & Reconstruction Surgery Plastic Surgeon,  21 Years Experience

Enlarged Breast in Male (Gynecomastia)

Gynecomastia is a swelling of the breast tissue in boys or men, caused by an imbalance of hormones estrogen and testosterone. Gynecomastia can affect one or both breasts, sometimes unevenly. Neonates, adolescent boys, and older men may develop gynecomastia as a result of normal changes in hormone levels, although there are other causes as well.
In general, gynecomastia is not a serious problem, but it can be difficult to cope with the disease. Men and boys with gynecomastia sometimes have chest pain and may feel embarrassed.
Gynecomastia can disappear on its own. If this stops, medications or surgeries may help.


Signs and symptoms of gynecomastia include:

  1. Breathed breast tissue
  2. Tenderness of the chest

When should I see a doctor?

Consult your doctor if you:

  • Swelling
  • Pain
  • Tenderness
  • Nipple discharge in one or both breasts

What causes gynecomastia?

In general, gynecomastia results from a hormonal imbalance in the body. All normal people have to some extent both male and female hormones. Gynecomastia occurs when male hormones (androgens) are relatively weak compared to female hormones (estrogen) present in the body. This may occur temporarily during normal development of boys and may result in gynecomastia in infants or during puberty. In these cases, gynecomastia usually disappears automatically when hormone levels return to normal.
In other cases, an illness or medical treatment can create a hormonal environment in the body that allows the development of gynecomastia. 

Here are some examples of conditions that may be associated with gynecomastia:

  1. cirrhosis,
  2. Malnutrition,
  3. chronic renal failure,
  4. Testicular disease (male genital organs), including infections, trauma or congenital disorders,
  5. aging,
  6. Testicular cancer,
  7. Anti-androgenic treatments for prostate cancer and
  8. Hyperthyroidism.
A wide range of drugs has also been associated with the development of gynecomastia. Diuretic spironolactone (aldactone), some calcium channel blockers and ACE inhibitors used to treat high blood pressure (hypertension), some antibiotics, anti-ulcer drugs and highly active antiretroviral (HIV) therapies may cause fat redistribution leading to pseudogynaecomastia or in some cases leads to true gynecomastia.
After all, alcohol and certain drugs (for example, marijuana and heroin) are known causes of gynecomastia. Lavender oil and tea tree oil have also been associated with gynecomastia when used in skincare products.

What are the signs and symptoms of gynecomastia?

The breast augmentation of gynecomastia is generally symmetrical with respect to the nipple and has a rubbery or firm feel. As a rule, both sides are affected, although this can only develop on one side. The extension can be more important on one page, even if both sides are involved. Gynecomastia is not accompanied by severe pain, although the enlarged area may be sensitive or sensitive.
In contrast to gynecomastia, breast cancer in men is usually only one-sided and not necessarily centered around the nipple. Other symptoms that indicate cancer include stiff or firm tissue sensation, skin capitulation, nipple retraction, nipple discharge, and axillary lymph node hypertrophy
Benefits of Male Breast Reduction Surgery
Our Breast Reduction Surgery helps you to

1. Reduce weight and improve your health profile by removing excess fat and glandular tissues
2. Reshape your chest to resemble normal male chest
3. Create a chest with fine tonality and tautness
4. Give your chest a chiseled look
5. Breast Reduction Surgery Procedure
6. You undergo the Breast Reduction Surgery procedure under general anesthesia that involves
7. Removing excess fat and glandular tissues from the chest through incisions
8. Reshaping the chest by trimming and texturing the excess skin
Suturing the incisions
9. Providing post operative treatment

Male Breast Reduction Surgery (Gynecomastia)
The Safe Cosmetic Procedure Comprises
1-3 hour surgery
4-5 hour post-surgery recovery in the hospital
Discharge by the end of day
Full recovery within 30 days
Gynecomastia Treatment Cost
We will advise you the cost after

Evaluating your enlarged breast condition Based on the evaluation the cost may vary between *** Starting Stage Rs 25k+TO 85k *** Pay EMI (Monthly) Option Available and Limitations Apart from normal risks associated with cosmetic surgery during recovery you may witness

What is Gynecomastia Also called : Man Breast

Male breast tissue swells due to reduced male hormones (testosterone) or increased female hormones (oestrogen). Causes include puberty, ageing, medication and health conditions that affect hormones.
Symptoms are breast tissue swelling and tenderness.
Treatment may not be required in some cases. In other cases, treatment focuses on managing the underlying condition. Rarely, medical or surgical treatment is necessary.

Reasons for developing gynecomastia:

Dr Amar Raghu (M.S., M.Ch. Plastic Surgery) at Padmaja Hospital In the majority of the cases, there is no obvious reason found and this is known as idiopathic gynecomastia. But certain factors can increase the probability of gynecomastia. Due to increasing cases of obesity, increased use of anabolic steroids and environmental contamination with estrogen-like substances, the number of patients in India with gynecomastia are increasing.
It is usually caused by an increase in the ratio of estrogens (female hormone) to testosterones (male hormone). Estrogen, the “female” hormone, makes breast tissue grow, while testosterone, the “male” hormone, has inhibitory effects on the breast tissue (it stops estrogen from making breast tissue grow).

Who can opt for the surgery? What should be the age group of the person?

Any male who is above 18 years and is medically fit can opt for this surgery.

How should one prepare for the surgery?

  1. Have a full medical exam done
  2. Avoid smoking, anti-inflammatory drugs and herbal supplements
  3. Ask your surgeon about all medications you have taken
  4. Duration of treatment and length of stay in the clinic.
The surgery takes about two hours and is only a one-time treatment. You have to stay in the clinic for three to four hours and after the operation. No admission or hospitalization is required.

What is the cost of gynecomastia surgery?

In India the cost ranges from Rs 6000 to Rs 95,000 depending on the amount of fat to be removed, sculpting needed, the technology used, and other miscellaneous expenses.
In most cases, correction of gynecomastia is not eligible for insurance coverage but various finance agencies provide easy EMI facility as well.

What are the risks of gynecomastia surgery?

The side effects include:
  • Swelling
  • Bruising at some part of the chest
  • Pain and discomfort
  • Numbness
These are temporary and subside within seven to 14 days after the surgery.

Is this surgery a permanent solution for the male breast reduction?

As the fat and the glandular tissues, which are the root causes are removed, there are no chances of recurrence, but it is imperative for the patient to follow the surgeon’s post-surgery recommendations.

Will gynecomastia surgery leaves post-surgery scars?

The surgical scar is very small and surrounds the nipple region, which mingles with the surrounding color change on the skin in this area.

What is Gynecomastia? What are the problems that cause gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia or breast hypertrophy in men is a condition of having abnormal enlarged breasts like a woman. Gynecomastia is a jumbled derivation from Latin and Greek language: Gyneco – ’woman’ + Latinised form of Greek mazos – ‘breast’ which is a variant of mastos.
It more commonly occurs on both sides of the chest in 70 per cent of the cases.
There are two types of gynecomastia: true gynaecomastia, where the main component is enlarged glandular tissue, and pseudogynaecomastia, where breasts develop due to fatty deposits in the chest area.

Here are the four types of clinical gynecomastia based on severity:

  • Grade 1 small enlargement, but without excess skin over the chest
  • Grade 2 moderate enlargement, but without excess skin over the chest
  • Grade 3 moderate enlargement with extra skin over the chest
  • Grade 4 marked enlargement with extra skin over the chest

How to get rid of gynecomastia?

Non-surgical alternatives like dieting, Ayurvedic medicines, gym and even pills can help to a certain extent in a few cases in mild gynecomastia.
Pre-pubertal or pubertal gynecomastia in boys needs no treatment usually as it resolves on its own once hormone levels return to normal.

What are the steps of a Gynecomastia procedure? What type of anaesthesia is used for the procedure?

  • Marking of pectoral (chest) muscles and glandular tissue for chest reshaping is done
  • Administration of anaesthesia – local anaesthesia with light sedation is preferred.
  • Tumescent solution infiltration
  • VASER Liposuction for the removal of fatty deposits in the thoracic region
    Complete removal of excess glandular tissue is performed to eliminate the risk of recurrence.

Precautions before surgery:

All prescribed preoperative tests must be completed.
The chest and forearms are completely shaved.
Do not eat / drink 6 hours before surgery.
Wear comfortable clothes.
Be accompanied by a responsible person.
Precautions after surgery:

After the operation, a small bandage is created. A pressurized garment is applied to minimize swelling and help the fresh breast contour heal.
You can take a bath the day after the operation and you should not get dressed.
Antibiotics are prescribed for seven days and sutures are removed 10 to 14 days after surgery.
You need to avoid driving for the first 24 hours, but can resume normal life after one-two days and start exercising after one-two weeks when you feel comfortable.

What results should be expected after the Gynecomastia surgery?

Results are instantaneous and long-lasting. Scars are not easily visible and fade away in six months. After 10 days, there is an appreciable change in shape.


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